AI: Transforming Clinical Trials

Imagine a world where clinical trials could operate with speed, efficiency, precision, and personalized approaches. This transformative vision is becoming a reality as AI integrates into the clinical trial landscape, offering solutions to long-standing challenges and paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in medical research. By harnessing the capabilities of machine learning, big data analytics, and predictive modeling, AI is optimizing trial processes and enhancing the overall quality and speed of drug development​​.

The traditional clinical trial process is labor-intensive, expensive, and often slow, with an average duration of several years and costs soaring into the millions. One of the critical pain points in clinical trials is patient recruitment and retention. According to the University of Mississippi Medical Center, nearly 80% of all clinical trial sites in the US fail to meet their enrollment targets, leading to significant delays and escalated costs. Additionally, data analysis within trials is mostly manual and error-prone, with researchers grappling to process and interpret vast amounts of complex data. These inefficiencies are exacerbated by rigid trial designs that do not account for patient variability, resulting in suboptimal treatment protocols and frequent amendments that further extend timelines, inflate budgets, and result in failed outcomes.

AI in Healthcare: The Ultimate Patient Whisperer

One of the primary applications of AI in clinical trials is patient recruitment. AI algorithms can analyze large datasets, including electronic health records (EHRs), genetic information, and clinical notes, to identify suitable trial candidates. Companies like Deep 6 AI are revolutionizing this space with platforms utilizing natural language processing and machine learning to rapidly scan millions of patient records. This approach can match potential participants with desired criteria in a fraction of the time required by traditional methods, ensuring that trials can recruit a diverse and representative patient population. Researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center also developed a natural language processing and machine learning-based system, the Automated Clinical Trial Eligibility Screener (ACTES), to analyze structured and unstructured data in an Emergency Department setting. The tool successfully reduced patient screening time for clinical research coordinators by 34% and increased overall enrollment rates by 11.1%. By automating time-consuming and high-cost components of the recruitment process, AI accelerates trial initiation and enhances the likelihood of finding eligible participants who meet specific trial requirements.

Retaining participants throughout the duration of a clinical trial is equally challenging. AI can significantly enhance patient engagement and adherence through continuous monitoring using wearable devices and mobile health applications. These tools collect real-time data on patient behavior, symptoms, and medication adherence, allowing researchers to identify and address issues proactively. Several innovative examples of combining wearable devices and AI to enhance trial engagement have been demonstrated in Tulane’s Research Innovation for Arrhythmia Discovery Center. In the iPredict, Prevent study, researchers are working to evaluate the progression of atrial myopathy using biometric data, including volume changes in blood vessels, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. Using this data, the researchers aim to train a machine learning algorithm to predict cardiovascular outcomes and enable earlier interventions. In trials with low patient engagement, AI can also analyze engagement patterns and predict when a participant is at risk of dropping out. By ensuring consistent engagement and adherence, AI helps maintain the integrity of the trial data, leading to more reliable and valuable outcomes.

From Slow and Methodical to Dynamic: How AI Adds Jazz to Clinical Trials

The use of AI has opened new opportunities in designing personalized treatment plans and adaptive trial protocols. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health highlight that adaptive trials allow for prospectively planned changes to a trial, enhancing flexibility and responsiveness based on accumulating data. To properly utilize patient results and customize interventions, AI can process and analyze real-time data based on individual patient characteristics. AI algorithms identify subpopulations within a trial that respond differently to treatments, allowing for more targeted therapeutic approaches and reducing the number of patients in poorly performing treatment groups. This level of precision and adaptability can lead to better patient outcomes and a higher likelihood of trial success. It is important to note that the use of adaptive trials will require careful consideration of statistical validity and development of regulatory guidelines.

Several industry use cases further underscore the transformative potential of AI in clinical trial design. For instance, Unlearn.AI leverages digital twins—virtual models of patients created from historical data—to simulate trial outcomes and optimize designs. The use of digital twins has reduced the reliance on control groups and accelerated trial timelines. Unlearn’s study on Alzheimer’s Disease demonstrated that digital twins showed value in predicting clinical outcomes, allowing for a reduction in the number of required subjects by up to 35% for control arms and 21% for the overall study size. The AI-based digital twin methodology shortens trial duration while cutting down on costs and enhancing efficiency. Additionally, digital twins adhere to regulatory guidelines, ensuring that the accelerated timelines and reduced control group sizes do not sacrifice the reliability of traditional clinical trials.

 The Red Tape Tango: AI’s Dance with Regulations

While the use of AI in clinical trials shows significant promise, these innovations also highlight the growing need to address regulatory challenges. Traditional trial frameworks were not designed with AI in mind, leading to uncertainties around data privacy, algorithm transparency, and validation requirements. Ensuring that AI systems are transparent, and their decisions are explainable is crucial for maintaining the trust and ethical standards required for clinical trials. The absence of standardized guidelines complicates the regulatory landscape, making it difficult for sponsors and researchers to navigate the approval processes. Regulators across the EU, US, and UK are starting to acknowledge the urgency with which regulation is needed, and in May 2023, the FDA released a discussion paper soliciting feedback on the use of AI/ML in drug development. Addressing these regulatory challenges is paramount to fully capitalize on the benefits of AI in clinical trials.

Further collaboration between regulators, researchers, and AI developers can create a more conducive environment for innovation while ensuring patient safety and data integrity. Organizations like the Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AAIH) are actively working towards establishing such standards. By working to establish clear guidelines and promoting dialogue among stakeholders, the AAIH seeks to ensure that AI is integrated safely and effectively across clinical trials and healthcare, benefiting patients and advancing medical research.

 AI’s Encore Performance

AI stands at the forefront of a paradigm shift in clinical trials, with the promise of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. AI-driven tools can streamline data analysis, optimize patient recruitment, and enable adaptive trial designs more responsive to patient needs. Machine learning algorithms can sift through extensive datasets, identifying patterns and making predictions that inform more precise and personalized treatment plans. In addition, we need to keep an eye on ethical and community-focused adoption of AI.  To reach these goals, collaborative efforts and ongoing dialogue between stakeholders will be key to overcoming regulatory challenges and driving innovative and effective healthcare solutions – and active engagement in organizations like the Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare will be crucial to facilitating productive outcomes.


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Curated Research and Research-Related News Summaries, Analyses, and Syntheses. Published on behalf of The Tulane University School of Medicine. Content is generated by reviewing scientific papers and preprints, reputable media articles, and scientific news outlets.  We aim to communicate the most current and relevant scientific, clinical, and public health information to the Tulane community – which, in keeping with Tulane’s motto, “Not for Oneself but for One’s Own”, is shared with the entire world.

Eric Malamud, MBA, and Alexis L. Ducote, PhD: Editors-in-Chief

Special thanks to James Zanewicz, JD, LLM, RTTP and Elaine Hamm, PhD for copy-editing assistance.